The first cat at the Café Chat l'Heureux, Gustave is a handsome male who was adopted in March 2014 from SPCA Valleyfield. He stretches out anywhere, anyhow and is always looking for some love. All you have to do is pet him where he seems to want it, usually under the chin or on his head. He'll wag his tail to let you know he's ready to be left alone.
Personality :
- Friendly
- Curious
A beautiful tabby colour female who no one can ignore when she starts showing off her tricks. Turning around in circles and giving hifives are her specialties all done while wearing her beautiful bow tie. She's not very clingy and more inclined to be independent but she's particularily intelligent and gifted. She was adopted in July 2014 from the AMR refuge in Saint-Constant.
Personality :
- Adventurous
- Intelligent

This beautiful cat arrived at the Chat l'Heureux in September 2015. He is very sweet and playful. He loves to sleep everywhere and he purrs like a little motor.
Personality :
- Friendly
- Playful
Adopted from the refuge for cats at the faculty of veterinary medecine at Saint-Hyacinthe, this beautiful lady was found with her tow sisters Luciole and Luna at the side of the road. This little beauty came to us very young and has grown up in Café Chat l'Heureux. She has a tendency to lick the fingertips of those who come near her.
Personality :
- Friendly
- Flirty

The shape of the colours on her head give the impression of a moustache wich gives her the title of the hipster cat of Chat l'Heureux. This beautiful lady is, like her sisters, very endearing. She often meows when she wants something. You'll often find her up on the brick column where she likes to relax.
Personality :
- Friendly
- Curious
With her beautiful eyes, Luna has more than a few fans. She's very flirtatious and loves having company. She is, like her sisters, very soft and endearing. You can't help but pet her beautiful long fur and she can't get enough.
Personality :
- Friendly
- Clingy

This elegant cat arrived at Chat l'Heureux in March 2018. She is the youngest of the residents and she is of an adventurous nature. You will surely find her asleep on one of the sofas or perhaps she will come to bundle up in your coat.
Personality :
- Curious
- Playful